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Sporting Elite USA back supporting #NSR2022


National Schools’ Regatta is delighted to welcome Rob Thomas from Sporting Elite USA back to the 2022 regatta. Sporting Elite USA has been supporting the event for a number of years, and will be based on the finish line, available to talk to junior rowers and their families about the application process for American universities.

Rob Thomas and his team are focused on the young person and finding the best match athletically and academically by providing information and guidance so that the young person and their family can make an informed choice about the next stage of education. Sporting Elite USA is experienced in the recruitment process and is a company which guides young people and their families through, keeping the needs of the young person central to the process.

Rob Thomas studied in the US as a soccer player. He has been working in the US college recruiting industry for 15 years, after working for a different scholarship agency he established Sporting Elite USA in 2014 with guiding principles to offer the best information for students and their families based on individual needs. Due to Rob's Soccer background and his passion for helping students through this process he still is heavily involved with the placements of soccer athletes.

National School’s Regatta Chairman George Hammond said, ‘National Schools’ Regatta believes in the importance of sport alongside education, Sporting Elite USA is giving junior rowers information to consider. The world of tertiary education offers so much to young people and we are delighted to be able to welcome providers who are able to share these options.’

Rob Thomas said, 'Having been to National Schools’ Regatta for many years it's always been a pleasure speaking to the many talented rowers and their families to make them aware of options available in the USA university system. Having placed rowers in to the majority of NCAA DI universities like Stanford, Duke, UCLA, Cal Berkeley and all of the Ivy’s we have in depth knowledge of the process and what coaches are looking for. We will be happy to go through any questions students or their families have regarding recruiting, academics, scholarships or any other aspects they’re unsure of, following this students will hopefully be in a more informed position to decide whether the US university route is right for them. '

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