We have released our request for entries for the 2022 Regatta. These are in line with the changes we announced pre pandemic.
The driver for the change was both a need to address the regatta management due to the ever increasing entry numbers and a desire to reflect the needs of clubs and schools.
● Gender parity of events. The time has come to offer the same number of events for boys and girls. We also wanted to bring the rules for events to parity.
● Alignment between the number of sculling and rowing events offered. To reflect the distribution of our entries we have added sculling events.
● Increase racing opportunity. No doubling up.
● Balance the number of crews racing each day
● Continue to offer a world class racing experience - Reduce the hours of racing on
Saturday and Sunday to ensure event management remains first class.
● To simplify the rules and qualification for each event.
Find the information by clicking on this link