National Schools' Regatta Charity

National Schools' Regatta Charity
National Schools’ Regatta is proud to be a charity with a mission to support junior rowing across the UK. We work very hard to keep our race entry fees as low as possible to ensure our event is accessible. Any surplus from the National Schools’ Regatta shop sales and the car parking fees is put towards helping schools and rowing clubs with their junior rowing projects.
Over the years the regatta has made a variety of awards to clubs and schools. These organisations are working with junior rowers to provide opportunity and experience. The NSR charity has funded coaching schemes or purchased equipment to enable more young rowers to enjoy our sport. At NSR we know rowing has something special to offer young people. Teenagers learn dedication, organisation and they develop team working skills and friendships through rowing. The work of the coaches, teachers and volunteers who reach out and include more young rowers in our sporting community is inspiring. We want every young rower to be enthused by rowing and to make sport a lifelong activity.
In recent years, the following awards were made to junior projects to provide essential equipment to enable more junior rowers to enjoy our sport. These were given to:
Great Marlow School – Coaching
Avon County Rowing Club – Equipment
Nottingham Rowing Club – Equipment
Hull Kingston Rowing Club – Equipment
Cheney School - Equipment
Nottingham and Union Rowing Club - Equipment
As well as the grants, NSR sponsors four places on the Eton Rowing Courses each year.
The National Schools’ Regatta is pleased to help these various projects which encourage young people into our sport. Thank you once again for your support of National Schools’ Regatta and shop.
If you would like to apply for funding support with your project please write a proposal and send to Mike Martin at
Registered Charity No. 801658